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The LeBeau family has been harvesting timber in the highlands of British Columbia for more than 80 years. But it wasn’t until 2021, inspired by the love of truck shows and managing social media accounts, that brothers Brent and Craig LeBeau invited television viewers inside their forwarders, harvesters, skidders, and feller bunchers for their show “Mud Mountain Haulers”. HAIX® had the chance to chat with the LeBeau brothers during filming of the third season.
Picking a reliable pair of safety toe work boots is an important decision, so you need to be aware of all of the factors that determine what boot will be the best for you. There is much more to the process than just buying boots in your size, although size is important. You also need to take into consideration the structure, materials, and features that are built into safety toe work boots to ensure you get the best end result.

Why Our Men's Logger Boots Stand Out

Are all men's logger boots the same? You may think that this technology is even across the board, and that one brand offers the same features that others do. However, our team has spent years developing boots that are comprehensively better than the competition.

Logger Work Boots You Will Love Putting On

As a forestry worker, take a moment to consider your job. The terrain is rough. You never know if there will be snow, mud, or other conditions that make it difficult for you to get a strong footing. You are using high powered machines, and you are moving at a fast pace. These are just a few of the reasons why you need to upgrade your boots so you can match the challenges of your job.