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The LeBeau family has been harvesting timber in the highlands of British Columbia for more than 80 years. But it wasn’t until 2021, inspired by the love of truck shows and managing social media accounts, that brothers Brent and Craig LeBeau invited television viewers inside their forwarders, harvesters, skidders, and feller bunchers for their show “Mud Mountain Haulers”. HAIX® had the chance to chat with the LeBeau brothers during filming of the third season.

What to Consider When Buying Logger Boots

There is nothing easy about the job of a logger. Committed to long days working outdoors, logging professionals must perform their job in whatever conditions mother nature throws at them – whether that’s extreme heat, cold, rain, snow, ice, or wind. Facing elemental and workplace hazards daily, it is important to prepare yourself with the best possible equipment to meet your job site demands. That is where HAIX footwear can help.
For all the resilient men and women that work in the forestry industry, there needs to be a pair of logger work boots that are up to the task of handling all the tough terrain and hazardous materials they are faced with.

Protect Your Feet with Chainsaw Safety Boots

Chainsaw safety boots are designed to handle some of the most intense conditions possible. The goal of these boots is twofold:

• Protect your feet from the elements and the risks you face on the job.
• Support your feet to ensure you can keep working without any limitations.

Though not all products are the same, there are some key aspects you can expect in the best products.
When it comes time to choose the right boots for a long day of cutting, consider the boots on your feet. Chainsaws today can be very powerful, and include high-powered motors, with very sharp and heavy chains. While these machines are very good at cutting timber they can also pose a threat to the operator and bystanders if used improperly. There are steps you need to take to protect yourself, but you cannot overlook the importance of choosing the right chainsaw safety boots for your needs. Selecting the right boot is critical to keeping your feet protected on the job.
NATS Instructor, Conservationist and Thrill Seeker Johnny Korthuis (@johnnykorthuis) recently traveled to the Canadian Rockies as part of The Nature Conservancy. Johnny and his team climbed to the top of healthy white bark pine trees, caging their pine cones with screens to protect them from being eaten by passing wildlife. This allows the cones to reach maturity, when their seeds can be harvested and later replanted. The white bark pine is an endangered species, and the population has dropped significantly in recent years.