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The LeBeau family has been harvesting timber in the highlands of British Columbia for more than 80 years. But it wasn’t until 2021, inspired by the love of truck shows and managing social media accounts, that brothers Brent and Craig LeBeau invited television viewers inside their forwarders, harvesters, skidders, and feller bunchers for their show “Mud Mountain Haulers”. HAIX® had the chance to chat with the LeBeau brothers during filming of the third season.
Safety, Family, Integrity, Quality and Positivity… these are the core values at the heart of North American Training Solutions (NATS). These values are why HAIX® is proud of its partnership with the world’s largest team of certified, expert instructors who provide superior tree industry related training and education. NATS specializes in practical training, educational seminars and certification for arborists and other high angle industries.
Logger boots are specific type of work boot designed to offer comfort and protection when traversing the demanding environments experienced by loggers. This means that they are also a great fit for many other professions and activities that have a need for similar capabilities. For those who spend all day on their feet in need comfortable, yet sturdy footwear, these boots can easily meet such requirements. When it comes to men’s logger boots, maneuverability, traction, and comfort are important features. At HAIX®, we offer a range of high-quality logger boots that are perfect for the most demanding outdoor activities.